
Saturday, January 01, 2022

Christmas Morning: Snohomish 2021

Before the chaos of Christmas morning descended upon us, I got a few shots of battle field before everyone appeared. You may think that I'm out here at 5 AM or something since it is so dark. But no. Being at 47 degrees north means that it is dark pretty late. This was around 7 or a quarter til.

About 30-45 minutes later, the sun was beginning to creep over the horizon and I got a few more shots of the decorations.

As you can see, Santa brought a couple bicycles that were much appreciated.

You can tell from the look on Seamus' face that he knew what he had and was happy. With Charlie, it hard to tell what is going on in the pretty little head, but she is calculating. Turns out, she really liked it as well.

Charlie's hair has gotten so long that trying to photograph her face is like trying to get a portrait of cousin It from the Addams Family. But, if you are patient, sometimes one can be had.

It is well worth the wait.

Seamus is opening what I think is a Frozen-themed bean bag toss game.

But the Paw Patrol vehicles were the big hit of the day. the bikes were better but it was cold outside and nothing much could happen on that front. So all the energy went into the PP toys.

Anna got ornaments from the children.

It did not matter which present which child got. both wanted to play with everything. Lots of disagreement. No surprise there.

But a Merry Christmas was had by all. We hope the same thing happened at your house as well.

I also hope that you are having a Happy New Year. At least this past year had more interesting photos since we were able to travel domestically a bit. We have notions that some travels will also be possible in the coming year. If it does, you can be sure that you'll see it here. If not, strap in my friends, because you'll see a lot more photos of trees, flowers, and grass from our neighborhood.

 Reaching the end of the year with children in matching pajamas is only fitting since nothing else this year is "fitting". We've all struggled with disease or its threat, with illness or the worry of it appearing, with death or the promise of it coming. Lots of stressful stuff in all our lives. Makes it hard to simply relax and enjoy a day or even an afternoon. I believe that we are all trying to find a way to adjust to a new angle of repose. I am sure we'll get there.

I find that walking and taking photos is therapeutic. Perhaps you find my photos, silly, boring, or otherwise to be helpful for you. We all find doing something mindless to be a good relaxation technique. This blog is certainly a mindless exercise for the reader. Enjoy as best you can. I'll do that same.

To the year 2021, I say the only thing that I can think of to say*...

Poo tee weet

I think that pretty well sums it up, don't you?

*Many thanks for Kurt Vonnegut 

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