
Sunday, January 30, 2022

We are down to the skinny end of things with photos at the moment. As I'm sure you are aware, there is a time lag between when I take these photos and when you see them. When we are on a trip, this lag can be as much as a month as the images just keep coming on a nearly daily basis. At home in the winter, I aim for maybe a week but it is often less.

Our nearly endless ordeal with atmospheric rivers was followed by a very cold and snowy Christmas. And hard on the heels of the cold was...temperate weather and another atmospheric river.

Once the rain stopped we went immediately to fog season. With cold, wet ground and warmer air, we got lots of fog. Well, we get lots of morning fog here anyway since we are close to the floodplain of the Snohomish river. But now we have a high pressure dome sitting over us to prevent the air from moving and insulate the fog from burning off. When the fog does burn off late in the afternoon, we find above it...clouds to keep us safe from the harmful rays of the sun. When I went walking the other day and found sunshine it really did lift my spirits. I think my solar produced vitamin D is getting low. Need to get back to the 100+ degree F days of summer asap!

It is in the 40's F now and very damp. Being outside is chilling without the sun. The photos I have for you today are not so great, but they are what I've got for the moment. The radio tells me that we may get a little sun in a couple days before the rain returns. Perhaps I can get a few more respectable photos to bring you soon. Keep your fingers crossed.


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