
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Pioneer Cemetery

After leaving Capitol Reef, we headed north. Along the way, we spied a sign indicating a "pioneer cemetery" in the small town of Scipio. Naturally, we had to stop and have a look.

This is a place that has been restored to its former glory by a local giving the land and some money to make it happen.

Many of the grave markers are in good shape, suggesting that they are recent additions or at least recently refurbished. But others are in the condition one would expect to see of a weather rock or wooden post over a century old.

As you can see, there is no grass here in this cemetery...only bare dirt and lots of dust. Very much like the sorts of places we saw in Australia.

But unlike Australian cemeteries, this cemetery is filled with stones conveying only the most basic of information about the residents. None of the twitter-like biographies found down under. Still, it is an interesting place filled with people who lived short, hard lives in an unforgiving environment.


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