
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Dunbar, Scotland

When you read this, we will have recently left a house sit in Dunbar, Scotland. I thought I'd mi things up a bit with some photos from here as I continue to prepare future posts from the summer.

One of this things I've changed, for a variety of reasons, is that while abroad I no longer run... I walk instead. By going slower I am able to spend more time looking around (watching both traffic on the unaccustomed side of road and the uneven surfaces on which I'm running). this means that I see more things that I want to photograph. Thus, I am able to stop once in a while to make photo. So I'm bringing you a couple days of photos for the next few days to break up the flow a little.

What you see below is a portion of the ruins of a castle that stood over the harbor for centuries. This is the place that Mary, Queen of Scots spent time near the end of her life.

There's another, much more recent battlement that was converted to a hospital at various times that is out on the point at the seaward side Here's a view from there looking back towards town.

In the center (sort of) town, there is a very rocky beach lined with houses. In the distance you can see the local power plant.

This monument is, as it says, erected in 1856 and appears to be in honor of the seamen and fishermen show sail from this port.


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