
Saturday, September 17, 2022

A Visit to Hoh Rainforest and back to First Beach

We drove to the Hoh Rainforest one day and took a short walk through the impressive forest. Here, the trees are bigger and denser on the ground. But it was so dry, you could hardly tell that this was a rainforest.

At mid day with a cloudless sky above, the shadows were high contrast and finding reasonable compositions was difficult. This combined with the really long wait we had getting there between the road work and the then having to sit and wait for someone to leave so we could get in because the parking lot was full, made this a less than idea visit. Clearly, I need to return during the rainy season so that less of the moss is brown and light a little more favorable. And the crowds much smaller.

Back at First beach the fog is moving in.

Now the demarcation between the frothy shore and the darker, deeper water is much clearer telling you that this water is reacting to storm farther out at sea.

The fog of the marine layer is slowly taking over as the sun (where it might me) gets lower in the sky and the temperature slowly drops.


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