
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Along Council Road

I thought you'd like to see a few scenes along Council Road, just outside Nome. Nome sits on the coast of Alaska that faces south west. The road to the village of Council runs along the coast for a while headed south east. Along this coastal section, there are lots of small cabins that seem to be built to house folks for fishing.

Some of these places are unpainted and have clearly been there for a while, possibly seldom used. Others, are well maintained and appear to be currently occupied.

By the time you see this, you will likely know that this coast of Alaska has been hit hard by a severe storm and there has been much damage from wind and flooding. I highly doubt that any of the places you see today on this blog still exist.

You will notice that there are no power lines leading to these structures and there is always a chimney for heating. Life here is difficult. You' will also notice that there are no trees nearby. this means that everything, including the fuel for heating and cooking much be hauled in by truck or snowmobile.

Unless, of course, you are an harlequin duck. In this case, you can find duck things in and around the water to eat.

While in Nome, it quickly became clear that, building supplies, toys, clothes, vehicles, fuel... everything is brought by plane or boat. Now, if you drive for about an hour on along the road to Council, you eventually come to a wooded portion of Alaska. Thus, it is possible that the logs for this cabin were sourced locally (sort of) but it is also possible that they were cut elsewhere and loaded on a boat.

As I mentioned above, i'd be really surprised if any of these remain after the big storm.


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