
Friday, May 29, 2020


One of the features of living in a temperate rainforest is there are times when, in addition to raining water, it seems to rain snails.

One the steps that connect our front yard to the sidewalk, we have nearly a dozen of the little creatures each working hard to get somewhere (anywhere). I suppose on a cloudy, rainy day it has finally gotten cool enough on the exposed portions of the steps to make it an appealing place to "romp". Such a slow motion romp it is.

With the several second between the image above and the one below, he/she/it has managed to turn his/her/its head.

We complain about being forced to stay in out homes where it is clean, warm, and dry while these fellows are out apparently really enjoying being wet, cool, and dirty.

Although, it would be nice to be able to cling to the walls. On the other hand, cleaning the slime off would be a real pain in the foot. (See what I did there... substituting the appropriate snail body part for the human arse. Clever, eh?) Besides, how do you hold the paper towel and the spray bottle when you only have one foot and no hands?

I could tell you that one snail is blurred out of modesty (but it wouldn't be true) since I suspect these two are either having sexy time or just aren't very good at navigating about. I mean, what are the chances that on a wet spring day when out for a ramble on a vertical section of brick you'll run head-on into your cousin. Let's hope it is a distant cousin or the supposed sexy time might be illegal, even in Washington.

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