
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Few Things I Saw While Walking

Isn't is still amazing that in the 21st century we still have people that cling to talismans to guide their fates? I suppose these people have always been with us and always will be. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that one of our neighbors has put a horseshoe on their rock wall. There are millions who cling to a book (like those written by Ayn Rand) or a person (Trump comes to mind) for guidance in much the same way. So much magical thinking the world is really depressing.

Even fences are not solutions to all the invasions of our lives. The most well intentioned fence still has cracks that can enable unintended consequences. In fact, the people, things, and plants that make it through the openings are often the best part of the landscape. It is the differences that allows us to see the background and develop an appreciation for it. Without the flower blooming on the wrong side of the fence, I'd never have noticed the fun shapes of the pickets and made this image for you to enjoy. Cutting back all the differences makes the world a dull place.

And sometimes we have to strike out on our own to find a new path. This snail clinging to a neighbor's fence is clearly taking chances. While he/she (it's both, right?) may not have a well thought out plan, at least he/she is moving in a direction that is generally recognized to be forward. Can we each make the same claim about our directions in life? When was the last time you took the kind of chance this little fellow is pursuing? No place to hide and no easy retreat.

Perhaps this is where we all are in the place to hide and no easy retreat. What to do? Should we trim back all the things/people that look/act different and insulate ourselves in a bubble of sameness or should we embrace our fortunes whatever their source and direction and greet the day with a smile? The path to happiness starts with simply deciding to be happy with where you are.

No place or view of the world is perfect until you make it that way. Deciding to be contented is the first step on the path to a fulfilled life. Nevermind the stress of self-isolation, the fear of the politics driving us toward ruin, and a world out of control. There are things we can do about these issues but getting them done requires that first you settle yourself internally. This is a product of contentment.

So, be safe. Stay healthy. And be content with the hand you've been dealt. Could it be better? Sure. But it could be a helluva lot worse!

Carpe Diem.

1 comment:

  1. This is very is a bit of a change from your usual posts but I liked it! It reminded me a bit of the Christmas letters you'd send to G!


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