
Thursday, May 07, 2020

Finally, Something Besides Flowers!

In my efforts to keep the blog active, I find myself taking walks around the neighborhood that increasingly overlap one another. This makes it hard to find new things to photograph. But I'm hanging in there.

As you can tell, the sun was shining (!) and the tree was mostly kinds dry on the outside.

This sort of weather suggests a corollary to one of my oft' repeated observations about Seattleites. I have observed that if it is not raining, never mind if there are clouds, it is a "clear" day. Add to this the following observation: if the sun is out, it is summer...therefore, I must wear shorts. no matter the month or the temperature, if there is blue sky above, it is time to wear shorts. I've seen people in March moving grass in shorts. On this day, with a temperature in the mid-60's, people are out walking about the neighborhood in shorts and a tee-shirt. I'm wearing jeans and the same long sleeve shirt and sweater I've been wearing for the past two months. And the breeze is chilly.

Because of the frequent rain and nearly constant humidity, everything grows on everything. This street sign has moss and lichen growing on it well above my head.

Of course, you knew that you'd not get through a post without any flowers, right? You saw one of these yesterday but in monochrome. Today, I found a large one and thought I'd bring it to you in full color.

One of the things that is difficult here is finding the big sky that the western states so famously have. It is true that you can find such places, but in the northwest where the conifers grow thick and tall, you can typically only see the sky (or the distant mountains) from town or along a road where the trees have been cut down.

Naturally, with the constant water from the sky, comes our share of fungus nestled in amongst the flowers.

I don't know the reason, but the utility pole certainly seems to be well climbed. The lineman boots have worn so many holes in the wood that seems to be the result of frenzied woodpecker attack.

Since water become has the theme for the day (how'd that happen?), I'll end with a little water on a big leaf in our next door neighbor's front yard.

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