
Friday, April 10, 2020

Our Anniversary!

Back in the dark ages 38 years ago today, when Olivia Newton-John was at the top of the charts and Billy Joel was singing about Allentown, we got married.

If you were there for the glorious event, drop us a line. Let's catch up on memories.

Since then stuff has happened. Lots of stuff.  38 years of stuff. More recently, we've settled down to be being not settled down. We have lately done a fair bit of traveling.

And a lot of pet holding. Sometimes this happens in pubs.

But this past year has been filled also with a good bit of construction in out apartment,

... a new addition to our family,

... quite a lot of silliness,

... and a grandson who is showing sign of interest in photography. Perhaps the blog continues through another generation?

This year has been a good one and a busy one. Just like all the years. We're looking forward to the next 38 and expecting just as many surprises and adventures.

We are glad that our friends have stuck around to help make every year the best ever.


  1. Happy anniversary to one of our favorite couples! Here's to many more adventures...

  2. Happy Anniversary! I wasn't there for the wedding but have been following you around lately. We are "stuck" in La Paz, gladly so. Stay well!

  3. Wishing you many more happy and adventurous years together!


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