
Saturday, April 04, 2020

I'll bet your Weather is not Quite this Bad

Rather than completely bore you with endless photos of plants and our little empty town (that will come later, rest assured), I thought slip in a few of the also-ran images from our travels for you to see.

This image is from on a hill near Ramsey as we drove up to Maughold on the Isle of Man. By no means a winning composition, but it does remind me of the place and what it was like to be there. Cold. Foggy. Rainy. And though you cannot see it here, windy.

Perhaps, in addition to sharing images of happy flowers and plants, I can cheer you along with place that have worse weather that you do.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds remotely like Seattle weather! Your photos of the flora of you neighborhood were quite lovely. Glad that spring is on the way!


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