
Sunday, April 05, 2020

A Look Back at Laxey

The seawall that protect the harbour at Laxey on the Isle of Man juts into the sea during a quiet moment. The wind is not letting up as you can see from the stiffly horizontal flag.

I thought that since none of us can really get outside, I'd show you a bit of the outdoors. If we do manage to get out for a bit, we find that all the parks, beaches, and picnic areas are closed to keep crowds from forming.

So, let your mind wander to this windswept beach with seafoam between the rocks (and in my face). Image standing by this breakwater being very cold. Enjoy the bluster of the day. Us landlubbers mostly only imagine being at sea be standing at the shore and looking longingly outwards. We know that we can retreat to a warm coffee shop or the car for solis. A real sailor has no such refuge. Be we still stand a the shore and imagine what lies beyond.

These days we stand at the threshold of our homes and also try to imagine what is 'out there'.

I hope I can get out for another country drive this weekend and I bring you a few photos. We'll see. Hang in there everyone. One day this will end. I promise.

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