
Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Drive Along the Hood Canal

With the promise of a spot of sun, we headed out for a drive along the Hood Canal (which isn't really a canal). On the way out the driveway, we spied some black tailed deer in the neighbor's front yard, so we stopped for a brief look.

Some view these creatures as a meal (like that mountain lion lurking hereabouts somewhere), others as vermin, but with a face and expression like this, it is hard to see them as anything but wild animals doing their best to survive.

In about 30 minutes or so we made it to the canal. Of course there were ducks to be seen. Most were, however, much to far out from shore to make much of a photograph. Even these guys turned their backs on us.

There are places, such as this one, where the sun shining on the frosty grass induces sublimation and we go from frost to steam directly. Even without the physics, it make an interesting image.

Since we are still on the edge of the Olympic mountains, there is plenty of fog passing through. In this spot, the fog in the trees makes some fun patterns.

And finally, just for un, a quick stop at Leland Lake again to see one of the mirror reflections again.


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