
Thursday, October 20, 2022


After leaving Vienna, we flew to Heathrow, rented a car and headed south. We found us a place to stay out in the country in a converted bus. It was interesting. Tight quarters, but we had great views since there were windows in all directions. We stayed here a couple nights since our next house sit did not start just yet.

Our first outing was to Brighton, the seaside resort for all the British looking for a summer getaway without paying to go to the continent. We only spent an afternoon here so we by no means saw it all, but we saw enough to satisfy us.

The photo above shows a converted synagogue. Below, we see the main attraction, the sea. This is about as calm as the sea can be. You will also notice wind turbines along the horizon. Unlike some politicians, I don't find them ugly or offensive at all.

Notice that the beach is all stones, no sand.

The promenade along the shore is filled with places to separate you from your money, get you drunk, or both.

The English and the Seattleites both seem to enjoy lying on a beach of stone to get a tan. This is what I call learning to do with what you have. 

One of the main attractions of this seaside resort is the large pier. It is filled with more ways to extract money from the tourists including the amusement park.

Lots of colorful rides for the young and old.


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