
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Heading Upstairs

Because there is a slope of the main floor of the opera house and there are practice and storage rooms below the stage, we need to go upstairs to get to the main portion of the building.

The detail in the ceiling and the supports for it as we climb the stairs is quite something.

The stairs on either end of the lobby feed a central landing from which one can look up to see the top floor.

On the main floor with the orchestra seating, we find the refreshment room. Here is the bar that serves food and drinks during intermission.

Our tour guide is telling us about the folks who painted the ceiling here as well as details about the renovation. We don't usually try to visit these places during an intermission because it is always such a mash of people.

This is the kind of place that really makes you feel what it was like to live when the opera and the symphony was what people (at least rich people) did for entertainment before radio, TV, and recorded music.


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