
Saturday, April 03, 2021

Arches, A Parting Look

The way to see things in a different light is to come in the morning when the light is, uh...different. Above is a place near the entrance we did not stop earlier because it was swarming with people and it seems like morning light would be better. It is. This is called Park Avenue since it calls to mind the the rows of tall buildings along that street.

The morning light on courthouse towers similarly brings a fresh look.

It seems to be a strange place, filled with so many statues and monuments. In the morning light it is renewed. The desert feels less foreboding and dangerous.

In some places the stones seem to have a kind of life that was missing in the harsher overhead ilumination.

With the light behind the distant mountains, we get shades of blue  on the hills rather than the details of trees and snow. This is an entirely different place to see now.

Even the nearer rocks are hazed in blue emphasizing the scales involved.

The area around the Fiery Furnace now has a smoky feel to it as if the fires have died down overnight and left us with only the glowing embers of the heat possible in the high desert.


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