
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Seagulls at the Beach

In a backwater pool there is a spot that the seagulls really seem to like. They congregate there and appear to be bathing. I have no idea why this one spot is so interesting. Maybe it is shallow, making it easier to wash or maybe it is just a fun place to be.

Lots of activity here with head-dunking, wing-washing, tail flipping, and general shimmying going on.

With Victoria Island in the background, these gull rest from their hectic washing routine. This pile of rocks is what passes for a beach here. This is the land between the river and the ocean.

Lots of activity here, birds coming and going regularly, many to go bathe. This seems to be a major rest stop for the gulls.

Here's one who doesn't like to sit on the cold, wet rocks and perches on a cold, wet piece of wood instead.

But the real action is in the bath water.

I try to imagine how much more excited they would be if this were a warm bath. 


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