
Saturday, December 05, 2020

I Have a New Phone!

So. After I managed to send my phone on trip through the washer, I ordered a new one. My new iPhone 12 pro has arrived and with the last the evening sun, I'm out to see what this new-fangled camera system can do.

It is nice that I'm not toting a large and heavy medium format camera nor even my much smaller APS-C format. It is just a phone in my pocket that I pull out when I see something worth a try.

In the late afternoon sun, with the near horizontal light, it does a nice job ob bringing a crisp image with accurate colors.

I was surprised to find pampas grass in this yard. I always thought this was a southern plant.

As the sun goes down, the shadows get long and the days feels near an end.

Here, the very low sun angle makes a shadows that really adds to the composition.


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