
Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Altar on Which We Gave Our Thanks

Some of you who follow this blog have shared Thanksgiving with us and will recognise this table setting. I thought I'd share a few images of our table, our altar of thanks for this year.

We moved a few things out the living room and set up the table. As with most people, I suppose, this table holds many memories.

The crystal was bought on our first trip to Ireland from a small, family -owned place that is out-of-business for more than a decade now. The plates were bought by my mother. The silverware belonged to E's mother.

And the people around it are our family. This is as good as it gets.

So we sat and ate and enjoyed. Each of these meals is our own Babbette's Feast  during which we rediscover what is important to each of us. Isn't that what Thanksgiving is for?

So we move forward and renew our hope for a better year to come. 



  1. Beautiful table, and it does bring back memories of a Thanksgiving you shared with us in Staunton!

  2. Wishing you and your family a Happy belated Thanksgiving! Love the posts!!

    Anne Neale


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