
Monday, March 09, 2020

St. Madoes Cemetery

The village of St. Madoes stands along the north bank of the river Tay not far from the A90. Here, at the edge of town, we find the church and cemetery.

Dates we could verify range from the 18th century to the present. the metal posts in the images above and below are part of an area enclosed by a fence or chain for a family. Only the posts new remain.

We continue to find stones with interesting symbols, or perhaps simply decorative designs, on them. the cross in the lower middle makes sense, but the concentric circles on either side of it are a mystery. Perhaps just decorations.

Here is a stone in very good shape displaying the skull and crossbones along with the hourglass and the arrow (of time?). It seems that this marks the internment of a farmer is now no longer behind his plow.

Below is an interesting stone but I cannot make out the date on it.

The cemetery is dominated by this enormous tree standing at one end.

I am not at all sure what the man on the horse drawn wagon represent on this stone.

This one has a larger version of the Adam and Eve at the Tree with the Serpent that we've seen before.

And on the edge of this stone, we have a person covering their face in grief.

As we were leaving, I noticed this stone a the foot of the large tree. I could not tell if it was lifted from the ground by the tree roots or simply moved there to get it out of the way.

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