
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Evergreen-Washella Cemetery - 2

In addition to the military section, there were sections for many different persuasions and backgrounds. We found a section for the jew and at least two different areas for Orthodox christians. One was apparently for the Russians and the other for everyone else. There is also a section for the Japanese. But, most of the place seemed to be filled with protestants for various sorts.

This gravestone is particularly interesting. It seems that both husband and wife died on the same day. Our first thought was an automobile accident, but no... this was a double murder.

The Kitsap Sun reports:
Around noon Dec. 17, a neighbor found Tony dead in the kitchen and investigators later found Ilmira dead in the master bedroom.
Tony had been shot in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun and also shot with a .380-caliber gun.
Ilmira was shot several times at point-blank range with a 12-gauge shotgun.
It seems that one or both of these unfortunate folk were involved with some very bad people who took umbrage at their actions (or lack thereof).

Over in the Russian section is this orthodox cross with St. George and the dragon engraved on it. It seems that England does not have the market on this saint cornered.

There is also this sad reminder of a short life. Nicholas was only 19 when he died.

As you see some of here, much of this cemetery resembles nothing more than a park with lots of flush, inground markers. But the few erect stones and the lone tree give this corner of the cemetery a feeling of emptiness and loneliness.

On the east side of Aurora Avenue (highway 99) is an even larger section of the cemetery that has only inground markers. Except for a few flags and the random vase of flowers, there was nothing above ground except for trees. This is one of the nicer ones I found.

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