
Friday, October 19, 2018

Spider Season!

With Halloween fast approaching, it seems only appropriate to show some of the decorations. Actually, it started being spider season here in the PNW in June and it hasn't let up since. I thought I'd show you a few of the spider webs in our yard since we had a good morning for photographing them. We've had increasingly foggy mornings for the last week and this bring the condensation on the silk lines that make the geometrically arranged strings of pearls we love to see.

In the side yard, with the neighbor's garage as background, we have over a dozen webs in the trees. This must be a good place to catch dinner.

We had some sizeable (that is for the US, in Australia, they'd be tiny) spiders building webs on the front porch railing but they seem to be finally swept away in the bustle of watering plants and moving things in and out.

We are approaching winter here which means wet. I heard on the radio this morning that this may be the last sunny weekend for a good while. The days are shortening quickly now and we are headed toward a shorter day in December than most of so it already fairly dark when we get up in the mornings. We took Seamus to daycare about 7:00 today and the fog and dark made the drive feel all unfamiliar. We noticed street lights in places we've never noticed them before. The road we've driving hundreds of times felt surreal, like a scene from a film noir.

Now we find ourselves surrounded by the hunting traps of these strange creatures. Walking about in a wooded area at night is filled with apprehension about running face first into one of these horror movie props.

But in the daylight, they are friendlier. We are taken with the geometry and pearls of dew. We appreciate that these animals need to eat. We just don't want to be on the menu.

Our year must be a good spot to hunt since we have some many webs crowded into one area. I hope these predators are all doing well. I certainly enjoy the beauty they bring into our lives.

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