
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Hooded Merganser

As we were leaving the beach and walking back to the car, we passed a bit of water where a couple Hooded Mergansers were diving and looking for food.

These are handsome animals. Glad we got to see them. Also glad my photos turned out. Enjoy.

 Today is the end of 2020. Thank the gods. I've been looking forward to this since 2016 at least. Not that I'm wishing my life away. It has been a hard presidential term and an even harder year. A year of loneliness and apprehension, confusion and angst. Yet, I've made a commitment to blog every day and managed to do just that. In the process, I think I've learned to take better photos and to do so more consistently. You learn to see things in new ways when what you see never changes. I hope you've enjoyed my images and perhaps agree at least a little that my general quality has improved.

I approach 2021 with more confidence in my images and more satisfaction in my ability to capture what I see in my mind's eye. I will continue to push out blog posts for all of you (all three of my regular viewers!) on a daily basis if at all possible. With luck, I will continue to improve and in 2021 you will begin to see images of things besides the neighborhood around our house in Snohomish. We have plans. We'll see if these plans are actually possible.

Stick with us and we'll have some fun. Happy New Year to everyone of you good people. Knowing that you were watching over my shoulder was a great support. I enjoy bringing you something that might generate a smile or even a yawn. May all your New Year's resolutions be ones you can stick to. I'll try to stick to mine.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you and Elizabeth. We miss you, but I enjoy keeping in touch through your wonderful photos.


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