
Friday, March 29, 2019

Rotary Park

We are just on the edge of having some bad weather. As a result, we are starting to get some clouds but the weather hasn't set in yet so there is plenty of blue sky. This seemed like a good time to visit the Snohomish river at Rotary Park, just inside the near edge of Everett.

I put a ND filter on the camera to lengthen the exposure to a second or two to smooth out the river surface. While the effect is not quite like a mirror, it is a pleasing one.

As you can see in the distance, the cumulus clouds are beginning to create some rain though it isn't clear that any of it is yet making it to the ground.

If you look carefully at the clouds, you tell that some are hardly moving (they are the sharply focused ones) and others are moving more quickly and seem to have been blurred out in places. This blurring effect is also matched in the clouds reflection.

There is a paved pathway along the river that connect the Rotary Park to Lowell Park. Along this path you come to a place where there is a 90 degree turn in the river. At this point I took a very wide angle shot and it made the opposite shore appear to be an island in a lake.

With a final image, looking north, we say farewell to the river today. Under the right weather conditions, this is an interesting place to see the sky and mountains. I expect that I'll be back.

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