
Monday, March 04, 2019

Greenwich Market

There are still some places in the world that eat eels. apparently, Greenwich is one of them. From the sign on the window, people have been eating eels here since 1890. I think I'll take a raincheck on that.

But at the market, we find lots of pretties to see. Lots of handmade stuff here for sale by the makers.

For example, these (overpriced) lights are being sold by the fellow who made them. All the price tags are in excess of £100 on these light and they are made from all found objects except for the light bulb and the power cord. I'm guessing he clears about £90/each. That seems a bit excessive to me.

This depression era tea/coffee set is another matter. This is quite elegant and stylish.

There was tons of food to be had. This fellow was selling vegan food. Next door is a place that sells cupcakes with mini-donuts on top, all iced prettily. Lots of kilojoules to be had here no matter where you eat.

Not quite sure what this was all about. Reminds me of a marching band jacket and it quite likely is.

The alleyways that connect the market to the street contain lots of restaurants...some of them actually don't sell eels!

The market is located in an inner courtyard of the block with the narrow alleys connecting it to the surrounding streets. This courtyard seems to have internal gates to close some or all of the space. These delicate and colorful scarves are displayed next to the gates in their imposing monochrome utilitarianism. Contrasts always make interesting images, even if the subjects are mundane.

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