
Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Heading Out for Our Hop-on/Hop-off Bus Ride

I thought I'd show you a little of what the train station looks like during the morning rush. We headed over for some breakfast at the M&S and Costa in the station before walking down to the bus stop.

The concourse is filled with people on their way to work. Our evening walk was headed away from the station. In the evening it felt like we were swimming upstream as everyone rushed to the train to go home. This morning is just the reverse. It was a bit of a trick to get to the Costa as everyone came rushing headlong in the opposite direction.

But there are quite places to be found as well.

Once out of the station, we headed for George Square and the bus stop. At 55.9 degrees north, Glasgow has a low sun all day, especially in the winter. This makes for some dramatic lighting on the streets.

My favorite from this set of photos is this one in George Square. This civic square is named for King George III and was laid out in 1781. It is filled with various statues of famous Scots. This backlit B&W image accentuates the morning haze on the buildings in the background adding to the feeling of depth in the image. Since UK taxis haven't changed designs in decades and the other vehicles you can see are far away, it is difficult to really put a time/date on this image. I like that. I like that this could be almost anytime since WWII and this place would look pretty much the same.

When you look about this beautiful city, that is the feeling you get. Filter out the new, the modern fashion, the many Starbucks(!), and the electric lights and you could be standing in Glasgow anytime you like. This is one of the fun things about actually visiting such a place... the ability to touch its past.

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