
Friday, April 23, 2021

Loretto Chapel

There are three important churches in central Santa Fe. Loretto Chapel is the second of these after the Cathedral. The third one, San Miguel Archángel dating from 1610, is billed as the oldest church in America although I'm sure little of the original structure remains (We'll see a tiny bit of this later). Today we visit the Loretto Chapel.

Certainly the reason everybody comes to the Loretto Chapel (at least why folks like you and me do) is to see the Miracle Staircase.

Builders proposed a standard staircase, but the sisters vehemently opposed as it would reduce the seating space on the loft and was unappealing. Out of options, the sisters prayed to St. Joseph, the master carpenter himself, for help. Their prayers were answered on the 9th day when a humble workman appeared. He built a double helix staircase which is still a masterpiece in staircase design and installation even today.

Of course, there is no miracle here, as the link above will explain. As far as I can tell, the only "miracle" is that the fellow who built it showed up when he did. But whatever it is called, it is certainly a handsome bit of construction.

Even though the sisters were adamant about not having a traditional staircase to the loft in the rear because it took up too much space, this is no small thing in the chapel.

This is not a large church (it is a chapel, right) and the altar reflects this. It is small but ornate and fits perfectly in the space.

Although the ceiling is simple, it is not plain. The small bits or ornamentation and gold leaf bosses really create a view that is arresting. 

The ceiling above the altar is, however, quite delicate and pretty.

There were certainly people in the chapel the day I visited, but with a modicum of patience and careful framing, I managed to get images of the famous stairs without them included.

I must say, it really does give the place a unique look and feel. Even though it is not miracle that it stands without a center post, it is a remarkable addition to this small church. It is well worth a visit to see.



  1. This double helix staircase is amazing, unique masterpiece. The pray of the builders to St. Joseph really was successfull. Steve, do you know, what kind of wood it was made of?

  2. Probably spruce of some kind although no one knows for sure.


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