
Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Parish Church Cemetery

There are many secrets hidden in plain sight in the cemetery. Above is a family history that started in the18th century and ended almost a century later.

Being on the coast, fishing and sailing have always been important. Here's a grave of a sailor. 

Further surprises lie ahead. Here is the grave of an army officer who married an Indian princess, the daughter of the last sovereign of the Punjab. Not everyday you see where a princess is buried in a simple parish churchyard.

Finally, we find a fascinating family history. From the cannon on the top, it is clear that this is a military family. The first son listed died in South Africa in 1899, the Boer War. As you read farther down the stone, it seems that people mostly lived a reasonably long life (at least for the time they lived). But, then you arrive at the last names on the marker. Children of 14 and 8 months. Hard lives. Short lives. Quite a family.


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