
Monday, June 20, 2022

Another Installment of Alaskan Birds

There are three roads that connect Nome to the region around them. There are no roads that connect it to the rest of the world or even a larger town. The population of Nome is fewer than 4,000.

One of the roads extends north into the interior of the Seward Peninsula. It connect to a small place about 70 miles away called Teller, hence it is called the Nome-Teller Road. It crosses several rivers and in the marsh lands near this road we find the Savanna Sparrow.

In some of the grassy areas, we find Pacific Golden Plovers. They nest in these fields and spend a lot of time running about in an attempt to confuse us interlopers.

You can just about tell in these photos that there is a golder yellow mixed in with the black and white on the back, hence the name.

And just so you won;t think that the person who has been posting photos of plants for the last 2+ year has completely deserted you, here is a plant for you. There will be more photos of the plovers and tundra vegetation to come, do not despair.


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