
Friday, October 20, 2017

Lockyer Bay

The town of Albany is larger place than Esperance.  Esperance is clearly a beach town that really exists only for the holiday crowd. Albany is more substantial with some industry scattered about. Yet, it too, had the feeling of being a place were visited after the bomb was dropped. The people were nice and the businesses open (mostly), but the streets were pretty empty. Kind of creepy.

We took a drive along the shore and found ourselves in Lockyer Bay looking at a Great White Heron fishing.

He's a handsome fellow. The bits of yellow you can catch in this feathers are part of the breeding plumage.

So, on one side of the road is this shallow bay with this elegant bird fishing.

On the other side is a distillery! Guess what happened next.

I visited the place and had a tasting. The sign out front said they had the best whiskey in the world so I just had to find out. Turns out there was was an international whisky competition in San Francisco this year and one of their whiskeys won top honors. Naturally, I bought a bottle.

It is indeed good, but quite strong. The alcohol burn at the end is strong since it is cask strength. I find it to be a good cap to a busy day of dog walking and cat herding.

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