
Sunday, October 22, 2017

Greenbushes Cemetery

In our drive through the countryside, we came across the Greenbushes Cemetery. While it had many of the usual sorts of cemetery art, it was also interesting with some of the markers being unique in our experience.

This one is discolored and made so dark that it give the place a more sinister feel that one would expect in the bright sunlight.

The small angel is common theme and this is a nice one.

Similarly, the draped urn is another common Victorian marker.

This angel is darkened with age and mildew giving it a different aspect.

Here's another fellow who left his home in Ireland and found a life on the opposite side of the world.

But the truly unique marker we found was of wood. There two of these. Neither were terribly weathered and did not seem all that old. This is surprising. The few wooden markers we've seen were clearly old. this is not at all common for a more recent marker. The shape is also very interesting. We though it might be because this is an infant, but the other similar marker was an older person.

The motif of the handshake appeared here. the symbol of "see you soon" from the Victorian era.

This fellow or his family made a marker at home for this grave. Clear and to the point.

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