
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Modesto Farmer's Market

What would a trip to northern California be without a stop in Modesto, the home of George Lucas and the inspiration for American Graffiti? Well, our trip was not to directly answer that question but rather to visit the organic farmer's market they have here each week in the summer.

There is lots of beautiful fruits and vegetables to purchase. These grapes are amazing just as you expect in California.

Peaches, plums, and nectarines galore fill these tables.

The local basket weavers have brought out their best for sale.

This was not a really large market but there were plenty of produce vendors here. We drove past many of the fields that generate this cornucopia of delights on our way to Modesto from Angels Camp. Except for the smoke from the many fire burning in the state, it was a good drive with lots of empty spaces as well as giant tracts of fruit and nut trees lining the road.

There were plenty of people out for the market, but I certainly would not say it was crowded. We had a good visit and enjoyed being in a place where there are people for a change. We so often still spend our time away from gatherings of people that it, even now, feels odd to be where people are. The new world takes adjustment.


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