
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Új Köztemető - 2

The cemetery is wooded and we walked along several tree lined lanes that were filled with autumn color.

Just off of one of these lanes is a small area blanketed with fallen leaves.

Under the trees, this statue gets a silvery tint to give it the appearance of being more than the stone that it is.

The cemetery does contain lots of more traditional markers, but even with these, the themes of the decorations is not what we see in other, western, cemeteries. For example, we see oak leaves here, but no draped urns, few broken columns, and no joined hands.

Some markers are less traditional. This likeness of an athletic fellow with his towel around his neck gives the impression of strength standing there with the sun at his back.

This more humble statue, enshrouded in leaves as the tree grows from the grave itself, gives a more tender feeling.

This angel stands guard over the remains to watch forever.

Near the front gate we come again to the flower vendors with their variety of colorful remembrances. At least one of the vendors (not this one), was not happy with me taking pictures and came out to fuss at me when I tried. Not sure why this was the case, but I complied with the request and walked away. Important not to irritate folks when there's lots of places handy to hide the body.

While we wandered, two funerals (at least) brought new residents to rest. Both sets of remains were brought in in urns and rode in this sort of small van with the flowers transported on top. In front (not pictured) the procession was led by the priest and who I suppose is the next of kin. Behind the van come the rest of the friends and family, a small group here.

This is a busy and well visited place that seems to be completely integrated into the lives of so many Hungarians. If you can forgive the apparent oxymoron, it is a living cemetery filled with living people making the dead part of their lives and livelihood. It is a part of hungarian life.

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