
Monday, October 07, 2024

Lava Gull and Galapagos Land Iguana

Some of these animals seem to be a strange hodgepodge of adaptations. The laval gull is colored nicely to match the laval where it nests, but them has pink/orange/red feet! Go figure. On the other hand, the small crab on the rock just below the gull does a great job of blending in with the background.

But, once they are nestled down on the egg (or just resting), the feet are covered and it only the red eye-ring that can give them away. 

The land iguana, however, really don't seem to care if anyone or anything sees them or not. When you are covered with scales and live on an island with no natural predators (for lizards over about 1 year old), you really don't give a shit.

As a result, these animals just lounge about in the shade, eat when they want, and enjoy a nice slow life.


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