
Thursday, September 19, 2024

South Plaza Island

On this day we took a boat ride around Santa Cruz to the small South Plaza island (not far from the North Plaza Island) to see the animals there. We transferred from the boat to a zodiac to head into the shore. when we arrived, there was a "swarm" of sea lions frollicking in the water beside where the boat docked. 

They carried on for quite some time, just having a grand time in the water.

A few steps inland and we find a swallow-tailed gull sitting on the ground. It is likely that this bird is sitting an egg since they are ground nesters.

However, the main star of this trip are the Galapagos land iguanas. This small island has lots of prickly pear cactus growing here and the iguana love to munch on them. There are two other species of lan iguana in the islands besides the abundant one you see here. There is the Santa Fe land iguana only found on the island of Santa Fe (!) and the nearly extinct pink land iguana. We saw neither of these two species.


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