
Monday, September 16, 2024

Birds on Santa Cruz Island

The Galapagos flycatcher above is sitting on a limb waiting for the next insect he wants to eat to come by.

Next is a quite rare bird, the lava gull. They are endemic to the Galapagos Islands and there are estimated to be fewer than 1000 one the planet. This is the smallest population of gulls of any sort. The problem for these animals is that they are ground nesting and feral cats have given them a hard time.

Here's another view of the one of the lava lizards. I suppose that it you were the sort of person who kept lizards as "pets", this might be a colorful one you'd want.

In spite of the sinister expression, this is a Galapagos mockingbird. While it looks like he is giving me the "hairy eyeball" treatment, he is actually just looking for food (aren't they always?).

I know this because I also saw him searching the lichen for something suitable to eat.


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