
Monday, November 25, 2024

Boobies, Pelicans, and a Whimbrel

A common beachcomber in the Galapagos is the Galapagos whimbrel. White his characteristic curved bill, he scours the beach for morsels to eat.
I caught these three brown pelicans taking off for an aerial forage along the shore. I like this image because it reminds me of one of those time-lapse composites. You know the sort where a series of images of, say, an eclipse, are stacked together on one photo. These three taking off in line, one after the other has the same effect.

Below, there is a congress of blue-footed boobies. Yes, that's what a group of boobies is called. I looked it up and if it is on the web, it has to right. Right?

Anyway, this congress is busy fishing in the surf while a pelican sits in the shallows and watches.

The boobies are coming in for the meal.


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