
Friday, April 26, 2019


With a bit of sunshine available for a change, I went out and about to see what I could find to shoot. My first stop was this barn above. This shot, like the rest in this post, were taken near noon and the bright sun washes out the colors and textures. As a result, I converted them all to B&W where I have more control over such things.

On down the road a piece, I found a cluster of mailboxes that seemed interesting.

I drove past several places that looked to have nice compositions, but the locals have posted no parking everywhere and in most places there is no place to get off the road at all.

This next image is one I made while parked in the road. It was a side road that dead-ended in about 1/2 a mile so I took the chance. One car came by while I made this image. This is a curious piece of equipment and I have no idea what it is...perhaps it is a crane of some sort.

Alongside of US 2, there runs a pair of water pipes carrying water between Everett and Snohomish/Lake Stevens. I thought this made a nice study in textures and light.

Just out having fun with the new camera. Processing these images is quite different. I can zoom in as far as possible (300%) and still I see no indication that I've run out of detail. 50 Megapixels buys you plenty of flexibility. The price is disk space. The raw files are around 50-55MB and the TIFF that I made in the course of processing the one above with the power lines across the field is about 263 MB. I shan't be doing that very often!

Many fewer photos, even in these harsh conditions, show indications of over- or under-exposure...the full dynamic range of the scene usually fits in the range of what the camera can record. Shadow recovery...easy as pie. Highlights...there for the asking. What a joy not always struggling to get the image to look the way you want!

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