
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Christmas in April!

After an excessively long wait, I have had my first Christmas in April! I have finally bit the bullet and purchased a medium format camera; the Fuji GFX-50R. Since it has been raining here (?!?), today was the first chance I had to go out for a few test shot. And this still required that I work between the misty showers.

The photo above is not the greatest composition, but the rain was coming and going and I couldn't be too selective.

Later in the day, I walked a bit down town and took a few shots though the store windows. Here we see how nicely this camera renders colors and the details of the reflections from the toy horse. I'm also still adjusting to the shallower depth of field. This was shot at f4 and still the back of the horse and Tweety bird are out of focus.

In another store window, this silver teapot comes out very nice.

In my old Nikon, there was a 'crop mode' that would select the center of the sensor to provide a photo of what you'd see if the sensor were not the same as a full frame 35mm film image but 2/3 that size. This smaller size is what is commonly called a 'crop mode' in the Nikon world. Well...this Fuji has a 'crop mode' that reduces the photo to that of a full frame 35 mm image. Oh, we're going to have fun!

I only bought one lens (they are pretty expensive) so I got the 32-64mm zoom. This is roughly the same on 25-50mm on a full frame camera. I would have liked it to go wider, but I will get lots of good out of this focal length range. Now we can put it to the test...does a better camera have any effect on the quality of the pictures I take? I'm guessing the answer is 'no', but I will have fun trying.

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