
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Thistle Cove

After our visit to the modern marvel of WA's Stonehenge (!?), we continued on the Cape Le Grande. Here we found some exquisite beach and great scenery. Our first stop was Thistle Cove.

Cape Le Grande is filled with some amazing plants and the occasional animal of interest. the rock formations at this location were pretty amazing.

There were signs warning about fishing from the rocks. It was strongly suggested that you not do it along and that you tie yourself off to something immoveable to avoid personal disaster. I take that to mean that the weather has an element of unpredictability and violence that fishermen are urged to be away of.

On one of the rocks we found a skink out sunning himself. It is hard to tell exactly which sort of animal this is so I'll just stick with the generic class as a description.

Today was not a dangerous day and the water was calm, the breezes light and the sun hot. When we arrived (mid morning) in Esperance, we pitched the tent (never know when it might rain!) and exchanged our long pants for shorts. The change of clothes was most welcome in this sun.

But Thistle Cove was just the beginning. More amazing shoreline to come!

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