
Monday, August 05, 2024

Magnificent Frigate Bird

Frigate birds have a problem. Their plumage is not waterproof. This means that when they are at sea, which is most of the time, they cannot land on the water nor can they dive for food. If they do, they become waterlogged and drown.

So, they've developed a knack for stealing food from birds that can dive or stealing eggs from nests when on land. But fighting birds at sea still means that they get all salty and icky. So, this female is making shallow passes at this freshwater lake to wash all the salt off.

Once she has finished her ablutions, she soars about for a while to get good and dry.

This lake is a small one located in a volcano crater a few hundred meters about sea level.

It is clear that this lady is ready for another feeding and is off for more adventure.


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