
Thursday, August 08, 2024

Gray Warbler Finch and Blue-footed Booby

If it is not a seabird, then it is usually a finch of some sort. This is the gray warbler finch. It is only found on San Christóbal and a few other very tiny islands on the eastern side of the archipelago.

So, this was pretty much our only chance for seeing them. I'm not sure why there are these blue patches. Perhaps this is part of the breeding season for these guys.

 After a lot of walking and climbing of boulders to try find blue-footed booby, we gave up and returned to the town where our hotel was located and found one perched on a rock in the harbor. You can see justa  hint of the blue feet peeking out.

When he stands up to preen, you can clearly see that these birds do, indeed, have blue feet.


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