
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Last Visit to the Western Treatment Plant

We've made our last trip out to Werribee to the Western treatment Plant to see the birds. At the end of this visit, we turned in the key and got our deposit back.

From the plants, you can tell that we are reaching the peak of summer soon. This thistle was in full bloom.

The birds were all quite far from us, so the images are not so well focused as always. At least you can get an idea of what we saw.

In the image below is a Black Swan (the only sort in Australia), and an Australian Shelduck with the bright green patch on the wing and the rusty patch on the rear.

The Black Swan is a very elegant bird when afloat and amazing when in flight. On the underside of the wings, it is white. This and the long neck makes a striking image (which I could not get a photo of).

There were lots of birds out in the water enjoying a day out. The Silver gull joins the Shelduck and Swan.

And, of course, there is our old friend the Australian Pelican.

We were able to catch a glimpse of a couple swans escorting their brood on an outing.

If you bird, this is certainly a place to come when you visit Melbourne. We really enjoyed it.

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