
Saturday, July 08, 2017

Cygnet Market

Heading out on a Sunday morning we found a pretty spider web in the driveway. Had to stop to take a photo of it covered in morning dew.

Next along the way was Franklin where we saw some of the last of the fog clearing from along the river.

Our destination is Cygnet, a small town about 30 kilometers away with a market on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. It is held, mostly, in the town hall which seems to be a theater much like the one in which the Franklin market is held.

Here, we find much more of everything. For example, there is a masseuse just inside the door.

On the other side of the aisle is a woman rolling out what seems to be pastry.

There are interesting people here.

And for some reason, there is a painting of a sailboat on the stage.

Since the weather was fine, there were also vendors across the street in a parking lot and along the sidewalk out front. Looked to me like the whole town was turned out for the fun.

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